ATV/MC Dirt Drags

ATV/MC Dirt Drags ATV/MC Dirt Drags

  • Admission $15 per person
  • Practice at 4 p.m. / Racing 5 p.m.

Two Staging Lanes will be used in order to keep the show moving.

Download or print the Registration Form by clicking one of the buttons below.


Below is a list of rules, this list is not an all-inclusive list but important to know before arriving to race at Dirt Country, see entry form for more details on specifications, payouts, and elimination rounds. All rules will be reviewed/clarified at the riders meeting before racing.

  • No Stud Tires
  • Red Light will be counted as a loss even when double, both participants will receive a loss (timing system determining factor; only a track official can overrule)
  • All minors must have parent or legal guardian to sign for them to participate
  • Helmets required
  • Track Officials decision is final

Racing numbers must be visible from front and left side to ensure accurate scoring; numbers are provided at sign up All racers with spoked wheels are advised to close them off on the front tire with card board and/or tape.

Class Elimination Identifier

  • SE = Single Elimination
  • DS = Double Elimination through Round 4 then Single Elimination

Classes are as follows (this is racing order):

Staging Lane A

  1. SE Open No Nitrous*
  2. DS Quad 4-Stroke 0-500cc
  3. DS Bikes 0-500cc
  4. SE Quad 4-Stroke Open *
  5. SE Quad 2-Stroke Open *
  6. DS Quad 4-Stroke 0-800cc
  7. SE Open Bikes $ (80%)
  8. SE Open Outlaw $ (120%)
  • * Classes #2,6 - Quad Engines Only, Stock Frames, No Nitrous. Must have working suspension, No extended swing arms

Staging Lanes B

  1. DS Pee-Wee Bikes 0-50cc
  2. DS Pee-Wee Quads 0-79cc
  3. DS Stock Quads (Must have air breather lid)
  4. DS Junior Bikes 51-125cc
  5. DS Junior Quads 80-250cc
  6. DS Youth Open
  7. DS Street Tire Bike
  8. DS Mini Bikes
  9. DS SxS (Turbo & Non-Turbo)

Must be 14 years old or under to race Pee-Wee, Youth, and/or Junior Classes
